Hair Transactions

Fue Technique
The modern technique used in hair transplantation is the Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE) technique. This technique has become used worldwide. The purpose of this technique is not to damage the tissue, to prevent future damage to nerves or tissues, and to achieve the desired result. The FUE technique for hair transplantation was developed to ensure patient comfort and safety and to increase the quality of life.

PRP is blood plasma that contains a much higher concentration of platelets than what is normally found in your blood. The plasma comes from your own body and is injected into your scalp to help you grow thicker, healthier hair. It can also speed up the healing process of any hair transplant procedure.

Tdf Hair Transplant
FUE tekniğinde hastanın kafasında çok fazla kellik varsa 6 ayda bir 2 veya 3 seansla tüm boşlukları kapatmak gerekir. Ancak şimdi hastanın donör bölgesi uygunsa FUE tekniği ile iki gün üst üste tüm boşlukları iki seansta ancak tek seferde kapatmak mümkün hale geliyor.

Body Hair Transplant
As the name suggests, this is not a procedure to transplant hair to an area of the body (although it is a possibility if you are interested, just contact one of our representatives). Instead, the term refers to a procedure where the FUE technique is used on a donor area other than the back of the head.

Eyebrow Transplant
Eyebrows affect facial expressions and aesthetics and are also of great importance in facial features. Eyebrows play a major role in many emotions and gestures that we use to express our thoughts. The shape of the eyebrow, its thickness, and the lack of hair in it... all can change facial expressions. Therefore, the shape of the eyebrows is important between women and men.

Beard Transplant
If you are not able to grow the full beard you want, we are here to help you. Using the FUE hair growth technique, we use the collected follicles to fill in your problematic facial hair areas. The hair will be transplanted in the appropriate density, direction and shape for the intended area. Possible transplant areas are moustache, beard and sideburns.

Women's Hair Transplant
Hair transplantation with the FUE technique in women is the same as in men. The hair transplant operation is performed under local anesthesia and takes an average of 4-5 hours. There is no scar in the donor area after hair transplantation with the FUE technique. Hair transplantation with the FUE technique is not painful.

Male Hair Transplant
Many men suffer from hair loss due to many reasons such as genetics or stress and tension in our daily lives, they can become insecure and unhappy with their appearance. Hair transplantation is the definitive and final solution for the problem of hair loss and insecurities.