What is fat injection?
Yağ enjeksiyonu operasyonu günümüzde yaygın olarak kullanılmakta ve çok geniş bir uygulama alanına sahiptir, çünkü bu operasyon aslında oldukça güvenlidir ve hastanın kendi vücudundan alınan yağların kullanılması sebebiyle hiçbir yan etkisi belirtilmemiştir, bu nedenle son yılların en yaygın kozmetik operasyonlarından biri haline gelmiştir. Çeşitli sebeplerden dolayı hacim kaybı yaşayan yanak bölgesi ve dudak çevresi, dudak ve alın, vücutta kalçalarda görülen ve meme ve genital bölge ve uyluk, bu bölgelere yağ enjeksiyonu operasyonları yapılabilir. Yağ enjeksiyonu operasyonu sırasında, yağ alımına uygun özel kanüller kullanılarak karın, bel, kalça bölgesinden yağlar alınır ve hastanın istediği bölge veya bölgelere nakledilir, bu estetik cerrahi operasyonuna yağ enjeksiyonu denir. Hastanın kendi vücudundan alınan yağın, enjekte edilen bölgeye tutunması ve yağ transferinin yapıldığı bölgede tam yağlılık oluşması.
Fat injection surgery process and aftermath:
Fat injection operation aims to transfer the fat taken before death to the injected area and ensure its survival. Fat that dies after transfer will not have any effect on creating any volume in the injected area.
Recently used technological devices prevent the contact of the fat with air and increase the permanence of the volume to be created by transferring the fat without dying. 40% of the transferred fat may remain for up to 6 months after the operation, but this rate may vary from person to person, so in some cases the fat injection operation needs to be repeated.
Fat injection surgery performed on areas that do not move (such as the buttocks and cheeks) is more permanent, but fat injection surgery performed on areas that move (such as the legs and lips) may be less permanent.
Fat injection surgery is a very safe operation, a simple and healthy surgical intervention, performed under local or general anesthesia and lasts approximately 30-60 minutes. Since fat injections do not require any wound, they do not leave any scars after the operation.
After fat injection surgery, whether performed under local or general anesthesia, the patient does not need to stay in the hospital overnight. He/she can leave the hospital after resting for 1-2 hours and return home, continuing his/her social life the next day.
Pain that may occur after fat injection surgery can be controlled with painkillers. Fat injection is not a very painful operation, edema may occur in the injection area after fat injection surgery, this is very normal and will resolve on its own.
Many visitors come to our country from abroad to have fat injection surgery. Turkey's "medical tourism" services are offered in packages. These packages include treatment, accommodation and city transfer services.
Fat injection surgery requires a minimum of 2 nights stay in Istanbul for guests coming from abroad. They can return home and return to their normal lives. Our guests receive intensive aftercare after the fat injection surgery to check their condition and satisfaction with the fat injection surgery. Our patient support team is also on duty 24/7.
Processing time
Length of stay
5 Weeks
Recovery time
Complication insurance