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What is scar revision?

Yanık veya diğer sebeplerden kaynaklanan izlerin düzeltilmesi için skar revizyon operasyonu ile cerrahi müdahale mümkün hale gelmiştir. Skarları tamamen ortadan kaldırmak tıbbi olarak mümkün değildir ancak mümkün olduğunca ortadan kaldırılabilir veya en aza indirilebilir ve skar revizyon operasyonu öncesinde hastaya skarın tamamen ortadan kalkmayacağı bilgisi verilmelidir. Yara izi düzeltmenin farklı yöntemleri vardır ve bunlar yara izlerinin altında kan dolaşımının varlığına bağlıdır. İnce çizgi yara izleri, geniş yara izleri, küçük (atrofik) ve büyük (hipertrofik) yara izleri ve akne veya benlerin çıkarılmasından sonra kalan yara izleri dahil olmak üzere birçok yara izi türü vardır.

Scar revision surgery process and aftermath:

Scar revision surgery is performed under general or local anesthesia depending on the condition of the scars. The duration of the surgery depends on the number and size of the scars. Generally, there is no need to stay in the hospital after scar revision surgery. If the patient has a large scar, they may stay in the hospital for one night. After scar revision surgery, some redness may occur around the scar, which is normal. This redness will disappear on its own within 6 months and the skin will return to its original color. In scars left after acne and moles are removed, the old scars may come back. In this case, the patient should be informed before scar revision surgery.

After scar revision surgery, the patient should protect the scar area from sunlight, some creams or cosmetic treatments recommended by the doctor should be used, in this way, the success rate of scar revision surgery will increase.

Many visitors come to our country from abroad for scar correction surgery. Turkey's "Health Tourism" services are offered in packages. These packages include treatment, accommodation and city transfer services.

Scar correction surgery requires a 3-7 night stay in Istanbul for guests coming from abroad. They can return home and return to their normal lives. Our guests receive intensive care after the surgery to check their condition and satisfaction after the scar correction surgery. Our patient support team is also on duty 24/7.


Processing time

3-7 DAYS

Length of stay

5 Weeks

Recovery time


Complication insurance

Dikilitaş Mah. Hakkı Yeten Street. Selenium Plaza Carsı Site F block no: 10 / IK: 6 612-A, 34349 Beşiktaş / Istanbul

0530 112 07 70

cosmetic treatment
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